Trajan 510 Cuts a Land Rover Engine
Curiosity Series
Trajan 510 Cutting a Land Rover Engine Using a MST 42GP Blade
This is a demonstration of what the Trajan 510 band saw can do using a M42 blade. After watching it make short work of a Land Rover engine, think of the possibilities that this saw opens up for your shop or fabrication warehouse.
The MST 42GP & Trajan 510 Combo
Houston’s premier Band Saw Company hits a home run with the Trajan 510 in combination with the MST 42GP band saw blade. Check out the power of the Trajan 510 as it slices through a Land Rover engine. The MST 42GP band saw can handle a variety of different metals, materials, and shapes. This saw and saw blade combination can tackle a variety of applications. This Land Rover engine didn’t stand a chance.
Trajan 510 Band Saw Details
The Trajan 510 is a cutting machine with a lot of power. Its 20-inch round capacity is substantial, which also contributes to the variety of jobs shops can take on with this saw on hand. The Trajan 150 dual Column powered by a beefy 7.5 horsepower motor. This saw can make a huge difference and improve efficiency in your facility.
The Trajan 510 Band saw machine is a heavy duty duel column semi automatic band saw. This machine is ideal for cutting pipe, large blocks, structural steel and almost any job where a large capacity heavy duty band saw is needed.
MST 42GP Offers Cutting Variety
The blade is a standard MST 42GP band saw blade, and it can cut anything. This saw blade increases your sawing capacity and enables shops to take on a larger variety of cutting jobs.
Keep Your Saws in Motion
Metal Sawing Technology has seasoned customer representatives waiting to answer your questions about either the MST 42GP band saw blade or the Trajan 510 band saw. Please don’t hesitate to call us at 713-697-1605.

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